Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 36

So today was my first 8am-9pm day. Let me tell you, it's a bit
tiring. It's not straight work, because we eat lunch and dinner, and
people go off to the gym for a bit. I think the hours are more a
reflection of having nothing else to do, so they pace themselves
throughout the day. Strange, and not my way of working.

But I continued to follow the DV group around today, so I went to many
different places. In fact, I discovered a pool I can swim at! Who
would have thought there would be a pool in Kabul?! That is located
at the Embassy, which is where the DV group had a lengthy meeting
today with Ambassador Crocker. We weren't part of the meeting, but
had a chance to just relax outside while it was going on. In fact,
there is a little coffee shop outside that sells smoothies. So maybe
next time...

Another action officer took me on a tour today. So I discovered the
many different PX type shops of the foreign militaries, the places to
use free wifi or check out movies, and I discovered that the lovely
Eagle Cash card doesn't work here. Nor do credit cards. So cash is
the name of the game, and the prices are all in Euros. So any change
I get will be in euros. Fantastic. At least I still have a bunch of
euros under the bed at home. Now they might come in handy.

Other stuff happened, I'm sure, but I don't remember right now.
Eventually COL Fenton (our boss) took me (because I didn't know
better) over to Camp Eggers for PME (Professional Military Education).
As it turns out, it was GEN Rapp reading powerpoint slides via
teleconference sort of thing. It was so exciting in fact, that we
were playing poker (Texas Hold Em) while he was lecturing. The slides
were extremely boring and not new, and there were spelling and
grammatical errors included for free. Perfect, coming from a General.
Oh yes, and how could I forget the Clinton/Lewinsky joke he made. He
was explaining how he is an introvert, and recharges his batteries by
having alone time, which is fine. Then he said something about
Clinton recharging his batteries with interns. It wasn't professional
and doesn't seem like still caring about. But I don't know him, so no
skin off my nose.

So yes, long long day, and more tomorrow. I think there is a
preliminary plan to fly up to Bagram on Monday to get new uniforms.
Apparently, we're all supposed to be in this new camouflage uniform,
which is just great. Oh yes, and I have a mailing address! I'll try
to get it updated on the page, but here it is:

Daniel Finnegan (do not put any rank)
APO AE 09356

Do not put "Afghanistan" anywhere on the package, or it will be routed
through local Afghan channels. Probably wouldn't work out too well.
That's all for tonight!

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