Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 168

As of today I'm 75% of the way done. I'm pretty pleased about that,
and I cannot wait to return home. I hope the next months go by

I had tried to get these images up last night, but the network failed
me. These are the two sides of General Allen's coin, which he handed
out to us yesterday. It's a pretty cool coin, as these things go.

I slept in this morning, which was very nice. It was a very gray day,
and it rained for a good portion of the day. I had a long meeting at
the Embassy for an upcoming visit, so that was interesting. Not
terribly enlightening for me, but we wanted to make sure the people at
the Embassy were doing their jobs.

After dinner tonight, I squatted down to pet the white calico outside
the DFAC. She came right over and was enjoying the petting so much
that she jumped up in my lap! I was surprised, but I really enjoy
that sort of thing. I think most of the cats here are nicer than the
average person I have to deal with here. So it's always nice to
relieve some stress by petting a cat or two.

I don't have much else to report. I'm thinking of having a suit made
here, because someone told me it costs about $100 for them to make and
tailor a suit to a person. So that could be a good investment. I
found a pretty bright purple tie, so now I just need to make a suit to
fit around the tie... sound reasoning! Well, I will write more
tomorrow. Good night.

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