Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 186

Today started off with great news. I was accepted to the MPH program
at Tufts too. So in the same 4 years, I'll get a DVM and an MPH. Not
too shabby! I'm sure I'll be very busy, but it will be very rewarding

I also got a package from Emili's folks. Thank you very much! The
cookies are delicious, and I look forward to some of the other treats
too. If only I was ever able to duplicate your cookie recipe...

I was assigned another, shorter fuse visit, for a very high profile
person. Unfortunately, the planning is currently like a soup
sandwich. They can't tell us how many people will be coming other
than between 6 and 20. That's not super helpful, and I can't do much
if they don't refine that very quickly. It's being sponsored by an
office here, so I'm basically only going to do the movements (air and
ground arrangements). It's probably going to end up being a disaster,
but at least I won't be responsible.

I did reserve the volleyball court for a couple hours on Saturday. So
the officers at our PSD will come over, and we'll all play for a
while. I think it'll be a nice diversion. We're also going to the
range on Monday to practice. So that, too, will be nice. I am
getting a little stir crazy, and I'm looking for almost any reason to
get out of the office. So these are good distractions.

Well, hopefully tomorrow is a good day. Good night.

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