Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 179

Today was boring and uneventful, neither of which are really bad
things here. There has been such a string of bad incidents, I'm glad
to have slow and quiet days. I worked a little on my upcoming visits,
but then I surfed the internet a great deal. I may even have fallen
asleep in my chair today.

We said our farewells to Col Fenton today, and she went off to the
airport to fly home. So that was sad/exciting for us/her. I think
I'll hear from her again and probably see her this summer. She
thinks, for some reason, I'm an expert in education. Ha! So she
wants her kids to talk to me about schools on the east coast. A sort
of college mentor of sorts. Kind of funny, but I wouldn't mind.

I did sing in the shower a little this morning. I miss my privacy a
great deal. I miss driving fast down the road, singing to whatever I
want. Sigh. Oh well. Soon enough I guess.

Well, tomorrow is a sleep-in day, so that'll be nice. I will write
more tomorrow.

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