Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 45

Today was a lost day of work. I got a tiny bit done early this
morning, but then the person I'm replacing, Heather Lane, came in and
had to write her Fitrep. Unfortunately, that took about all day. So
I didn't get to actually do work again until about 8pm. Grrrrrr.

However, I did snag a wall locker today, which is awesome. Now I can
put things up on top of it at the end of my bed, which will be nice
for the laptop, the kindle, the phone, etc. It was heavy, but a
really nice SSgt in the Air Force helped me move it from upstairs down
to my room. The room we took it from was an empty 2 man room, that
had 3 wall lockers in there. I asked him if I could move up there,
and he said he'd look to see. I'm not exactly hopeful, but it sure
would be nice. Nice and quiet, not on top of a rickety bunk bed, etc.
I'll cross my fingers and toes.

Emili was able to order me a sleeping bag and some magnets, so I am
looking forward to those. Anything to make the bed softer... I'm not
really sleeping well because both of my roommates make sleeping
noises. Either really heavy breathing, or straight up snoring. So
it's certainly less than ideal. Tonight the Bose sound cancelling
headphones come out. Hopefully that will help.

We had a going away lunch for Heather in the VIP room today, which is
actually pretty nice! It's quiet, the tables are set like a
restaurant, but the food is the same as in the normal room. But it
was still nice. She's headed into the "return home" process on
Friday. I say process, because this is what has to happen:

1) Catch flight from ISAF HQ to Kabul International. Spend the night.
2) Catch flight from Kabul to Kandahar. Probably spend a couple nights.
3) Catch flight from Kandahar to Kuwait. Turn in issued gear.
Definitely spend several nights.
4) Catch flight from Kuwait to States, by way of who knows where.
Lose at least a day in the process.
5) Outprocess at NMPS in San Diego for a couple days.
6) Back to real job.

My process won't be identical, but it was also take a long time to get
home. But I think once I hit Kuwait and drop the gear, it will start
to feel real. But it's not time for that yet. Well, not much else to
report really. Still lots of cats!

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