Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 54

Today I "slept in" until about 7am.  Then I Skyped with Emili before she heads down to Miami for Corey's birthday.  It sounds like it'll be fun, and there will even be an inflatable BounceLand thingy.  After that I watched a movie called Grown Ups.  It had Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, Maya Rudolph, Selma Hyak, and other big name people.  But that didn't really make it good.  Sad to say.  But then I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager, which was good.

Then I went to lunch, then into work.  I wasn't there too long when someone mentioned going to the Bazaar.  We have a big soccer field here, and helicopters use it to land and transport people around.  But on Fridays, local Afghan merchants are screened and then allowed into the perimeter of the soccer field to sell their stuff.  You would have thought that a truck carrying sunglasses and knifes was hijacked!  It was an interesting mix of what you'd expect (rugs, scarves, trinkets, etc) and western items (sunglasses, knives, holsters, dvds, watches, etc).  Rob Bowlus bought a $5000 watch for $25.  So we'll see how long that lasts!  I was tempted by some of the items, but restrained myself today.  One man was showing me his rugs or carpets, I'm not sure which, and he was telling me it was made of fox fur.  And another part was mink.  So I asked him for a live fox or mink.  We went back and forth for a few minutes, but he never got my humor.  His loss.

When I got back, I had received a care package from Charlene Delanoy!  It was very thoughtful, and we exchanged a few emails this afternoon.  Thank you!

Other than that, work was work.  Nothing terribly exciting or anything.  When I woke up this morning, my roommate Kevin said he was up all night throwing up.  I didn't hear a thing!  He had me send his work colleagues an email saying he was staying in bed.  Quite funny, if you ask me!  The other odd thing now, as I sit here, is a set of 3 seabags in the room in front of my bed.  I don't know who they belong to, but I hope they don't think they're staying in here tonight!  We only have 2 beds!  Well, I think it's time to poke around the shared drive, and see what goodies I can find.

People ask if there is anything they can get someone was willing to download the Fedora 16 64-bit Live CD distribution, and possibly the Fedora 64-bit Scientific Spin.  Some of you will know what these are, and some will not.  And that's ok!  But I think that's all for tonight.  I hope to have interesting things to share tomorrow!

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