Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 68

I woke up this morning and got to chat with Emili and Molly, who were celebrating Thanksgiving together.  So that was nice.  Then I watched some StarTrek as my roommate Kevin packed up his things.  He is leaving Kabul and being moved to Qatar.  So he'll have a much higher quality of life there.

Then I went for my massage.  It was ok, but she spent a really long time on my back.  Maybe she thought my back was sore or something, but she had her whole weight on my back.  It was ok.  I think I'll probably give it another try in another month.

Then I showered and went to work.  Once Thurmond came in, we went to the Bazaar.  It was supposed to be a friendlier experience, because the Base Support Group Commander had a chat with all the merchants about being pushy and grabby.  Unfortunately, I had a man grab my arm today, and I stopped, turned to him, and very sternly told him to let go of my arm.  He did, and he backed off a little after that.  I don't think that's supposed to happen, but it's part of the culture I think.  Thurmond ended up spending something like $350 today on crappy jewelry for his wife, mother in law, grandmother, etc.  I seriously wouldn't purchase any jewelry from the bazaar.  I'm pretty sure none of it is real, or else it wouldn't be sitting out on the tables in the open.  Scammers.

Oh!  I also received a care package from Emili's mom, full of good stuff like chocolate dipped oreos, gingerbread men, and some other goodies.  And I got a letter from my Grandmother and a Thanksgiving card from Emili's Grandmother.  All in all, a pretty good day for mail!

Not too much going on here.  December looks like it's going to be horrible for visits.  Hopefully we'll be able to catch our breath in January.  That's it for tonight!

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