Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 69

Today was just another day to mark off on the calendar.  I would actually say that today was boring.  I am not getting information back from my trip planner because they're taking the holiday.

I did get a care package from Emili today, so that was exciting.  Snacks and batteries!  I am not doing great at consuming all the snacks.  Just as an example:  Emili sent me off in Norfolk with a bag of peanut butter M&M's.  Well, the package is mostly gone, but not quite.  I probably still have another few days' worth of grazing before I kill that off.  I didn't even finish my mom's peanut butter squares until last night.  So I have a long ways to go!

I walked through the Women's Bazaar today, but I wasn't that excited about any of the wares.  Lots of table clothes and napkins, which might be nice under many circumstances, didn't feel right today.  Certainly not for $60.  Even the women were a little pushy, but at least they weren't grabby!  Oh well.

I have been getting pretty cold in the office, so I decided today that the next time we go to Eggers, I'll buy a mug at the Exchange.  That way I can use the little water heater we have in the office to make hot chocolate or spiced apple cider from packets!  Anything to keep my hands warmer.  I am going to go dig out some gloves here in a minute.  Thank goodness I'm not cold when I sleep!

I made a new friend at the dining facility tonight.  She's a calico, and she has a tipped ear and a flea collar on.  She's been hanging around outside, just sitting there on the concrete.  We were waiting for someone to follow us out from lunch, so we were petting her, and she kept coming over to my pocket.  I think she knew I was holding out on her, so I relented and gave her a treat.  I had to be careful because there were lots of people all around!  I'm such a rule-breaker.

Well, nothing much scheduled for tomorrow either, except getting to sleep in a bit.  I can't really sleep in very well, so I'll just relax once I get up.  Well, I'm off to dig out some gloves.

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