Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 53

Today wasn't too bad.  Kevin and I went to breakfast, because we're good roomies like that.  Pretty boring breakfast though.  They have not had yogurt for the last week or so, and that's kind of a bummer.  But I think I'll live.

I was happy to see Pumpkin again today.  I gave her a couple treats, which she gobbled right up.  I think her eyesight is about as good as Toonces, because she smelled my hand where the treats were, and then tried to nibble on me.  Crazy cat!  Not quite as resourceful as the cat that tried to shove his head in my pocket where the treats were, but she's a good cat.

I don't know if I share the laundry process yet or not, but here it is.  I put my dirty clothes in a mesh bag they lend you.  Then I drop it off at the laundry shack, and pick it up the next day.  It's been washed, dried, and even folded!  Pretty nice deal!  So I just take the stack of clothes, and shove them back in my locker.  It works out pretty well.  So I picked up my clean laundry today, which was nice.

I also got my first haircut in Afghanistan today.  I went to the Spa, and had some Russian speaking asian women cut my hair.  It was a little weird to see, but I thanked her at the end in Russian.  (smile)

Another good thing today....I got another care package!  The nice people at Epiphany sent me a box of Halloween candy.  It was actually pretty good stuff too!  There were full size candy bars, a Reeses peanut butter cup, some Whoppers, etc.  Now I have some good snacks at my desk in the office!  Thank you very much for thinking of me.

I ended up having a little downtime this evening, so I was researching all the duty stations I could end up at with the Army Vet Corps.  I think my top two choices for overseas are now England and Stuttgart, Germany.  The location in England is at a Royal Air Force base, and it involves some travel to Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and Italy.  Sounds like a nice tour!

Stuttgart, Germany is located only 60 miles from the French border, about 100 miles north of Switzerland, and is relatively close to Austria, Slovenia, Prague, etc.  It looks like a pretty neat place to be too!  Plus I've never tried to learn German, so that could be a new opportunity!

So that was my day.  Nothing else too exciting here.  Just counting down the days.

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