If yesterday was boring, today would be quite the opposite. I told Kevin that I had to get to work early, so basically I went just early enough so that he didn't slow me down. Much better morning, in that respect. Then I went to work, where I changed the itinerary around based on some feedback I got. Easy enough.
Then we had our meeting at the Palace again. Most of the details are ironed out, but there's always that language barrier that makes a person not 100% sure that they'll do what they said they'll do. So you cross your fingers. After I got back from that, I was filling in details to the itinerary, and trying to shoot off emails to people who I needed feedback from. I got a phone call that my drive teams were going out for a route recon, and Col Fenton said I should go with them. So I had to put the body armor on and all that jazz, and then we went driving around Kabul. Not my choice, trust me. It's a crazy place, where public health education would go a loooooong way. They still hang meat up outdoors, and push around meat in carts. It's a sad place. I'd put it somewhere between Peru and Haiti, with Haiti still taking the cake.
We decided that two of my locations on the itinerary weren't good ideas, so I had to go back to the drawing board for those. I didn't get lunch either, so I snacked when I got back. But dinner was good. I had lasagna and french fries. Not that they go together, but I enjoy both. So yeah.
Now, if this works, here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. Now that I have the wireless network up and running, my phone uploads pictures on its own.

Is the white/brown cat Pumpkin's friend? Also, not to worry - I am back in Baltimore (and not still in the parking lot in Norfolk) ;)