Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 67

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I am thankful that I'm safe, well fed, mostly warm enough, and that people at home care about me.

Today was actually a pretty normal day at work.  I decided not to go to breakfast (though I'm not sure why I was moving so slow), but I got a hot chocolate, so that was good.  I'll soon be able to justify a hot chocolate on any day.  First it was "because it's just once a week."  Then today it was "because it's a holiday."  Soon my reasoning will include "because it's Tuesday" or "because there is dust in the air."

Today I played volleyball again, and while I was extremely sore this morning, I actually played a little better today.  I was on a 2 man team, versus a 3 man team.  We actually managed to win 5 out of 6 games, so that wasn't bad at all!  Plus, it was tons of volleyball.  I'm actually quite sore already, but I have my massage in the morning, so that might really help.

Our PSD teams came over from Eggers tonight, and we went to dinner as a family.  A camouflaged family, but still mostly friends.  Unfortunately, we ended up waiting outside for half an hour!  I think it was just that crowded for a while.  But while we were waiting, I saw one of my friendlier cats running around carrying a rodent of some variety in his mouth.  He looked very proud, so I was happy for him.  I guess we all eat well tonight.

I ended up having a pretty quiet dinner because I didn't necessarily like the kid that sat across from me.  He's just a smug person.  As far as I can tell, it's not really warranted, but he's smug, and he bothers me.  Oh well.

So I hope everyone is having a wonderful time eating and visiting and being merry.  I do believe it's bedtime for me.  Good night.

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