Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 46

So today is another day to mark off the calendar. Today had an
exciting event or two, which I'll get to soon.

I slept with the Bose sound cancelling headphones last night, plugged
into my phone so I could listen to relaxing music. Unfortunately, I
remember hearing the whole albums I listened to, so maybe it didn't
help me sleep quite yet. It's kind of weird, but even though I'm
getting less sleep, I haven't fallen asleep at the desk or anything.
So I don't know when I'll crash, but not yet in any case.

I went to breakfast, and then I came into the office a little early.
I emailed my contact information to the appropriate people in Kuwait
and also in Norfolk. They each have a certain degree of control over
my, and they told us to keep them up to date. So I should start
getting the newsletters via email soon.

But also in my email this morning was an email back from my detailer.
He said my resignation request had been forwarded to DC with their
approval! I'm so excited because now the Navy definitely won't
interfere with vet school next fall. I think it's great news!

But then it was work as normal. But when I came back from lunch, I
had TWO large boxes sitting on my chair! I got a care package from
Emili and a care package from my Mom, Dad, and Lauren! I was very
excited :) My family had included some good treats and snacks, as
well as my vet anatomy book and flashcards, so that was great. And
Emili sent me an XKCD book of comics, which is awesome! I had to try
to explain some of the jokes to Heather, but she just didn't get it.
She didn't know who Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer was, so I couldn't do
much with that. But it's tremendously funny, and I recommend it to
anyone who understands geek/nerd humor. But I even got a card from
Lauren in the care package, which led me to believe that she loves
school, and can't wait to learn more (wink).

But other than that, I petted Pumpkin a couple times throughout the
day, which was nice. And my itineraries are coming together some, so
I guess that's good. Tomorrow Heather is leaving, so instead of
sleeping in completely, we'll go say goodbye and help her with her
luggage. So I'll be there, imagining myself in her shoes in 6
months-ish. I'll cross my fingers....

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