Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 137

Well, my quality of life just took a turn for the worse. It looks
like we have a 3rd roommate now. There are sheets on the top bunk and
about 5 sea bags on the bed. I don't know if he's ready to fully move
in yet, but we'll see soon enough. I might try to clean up some of my
stuff to make a little more room. We'll see.

Not too much to report for today, except that it was Groundhog Day and
they didn't even play the movie on AFN (Armed Forces Network) today!
Weak. But we're supposed to have snow from now until Monday, so maybe
Phil was right. Who knew that his prediction was good for the whole

Well, another day down. Tomorrow I'll be moving my stuff upstairs I
think. It's such a mess of cables, I dread it. But I guess I have to
move at some point, and tomorrow should be pretty low key for me.
Well, time to get some sleep. Good Night.

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