Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 145

Today didn't start out so hot.  Ella threw up and stopped eating too.  So on one hand, she feels lousy, but the flip side is that Helo's pancreas may be fine after all.  It's like solving a puzzle and trying to eliminate the numerous variables.  So I'm on hold with the vet's office now.  Hopefully I can at least communicate some important information and help Emili out a little bit.

I made some progress on the itinerary for my next visit, but it's still more than a week away.  So my motivation levels are pretty low.  It'll come together, provided I get the documentation I need from the planner on the other end.  

We also spent a good amount of time today working on our awards.  Our bosses want our drafts by the middle of this next week.  So today we were working on appropriate language, and gathered good numbers to show specific things we did or organized.  On one hand, I'd like to be rewarded for a job well done, but I also feel like this job is mostly pointless.  We are just here to let people continue to believe they are very important.  Eh. Maybe when I'm someone important I'll remember that there is such a thing as a video conference through software!

Not too much else today.  I gave Pumpkin some petting and treats on my way out.  Today was pretty warm, and lots of snow melted.  I would imagine she'll be ok tonight.  Well I think that's it for tonight.  I will write more tomorrow.

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