Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 144

Today was another boring day for me.  I only put forth minimal effort on the next itinerary, but I still have plenty of time.  So I'll get to it more tomorrow.

We moved the rest of the stuff out of our office downstairs, so now all that's left are some desks and chairs.  The next group can start moving in whenever they want, so that's good.  I'm just glad that we don't have to do anything else with regard to our move.  It wasn't exactly the smoothest transition.  Oh well.

Helo went back to the vets last night because he threw up his food again.  He had to stay the night at the vets, and I got a message that he made it through the night alright.  Emili was going to take his medications in this morning and give him an old shirt of mine to curl up on.  We're hoping some familiar smells might make him feel more comfortable.  I'm worried about him, so that's occupying my thoughts.

I didn't do too much else today.  Pumpkin got a good dinner meal, so she was happy for that.  I did go over to the Embassy with Rob to help escort a gentleman back to ISAF.  It was a bit treacherous with the ice, but I brought a flashlight which helped.

A group of us are leaving around the same time in April/May, and we started working on our FitReps and awards today.  The bosses want our award narratives by the middle of next week!  It's so early, and who knows what we'll end up doing in the last couple months here.  Weird to be doing it so early, but we don't have too much choice.  Well, that's all for tonight.  Cross your fingers for Helo.

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