Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 163

Today wasn't too exciting. I'm just stressing myself out over this
trip. So hopefully as the details work themselves out, I'll start to
feel better.

I had my hot chocolate, which was important. Then it was mostly
change after change throughout the day. The interesting diversions
started around 5pm. We all went over to the VIP room, and MG Rapp
promoted our immediate boss to COL. It's a pretty big deal to make it
to O-6, even if it's in the Army. But he was happy. DV's often give
coins, as you may have heard. What they do is put their coin in their
hand and then shake someone's hand to give it to the other person. I
saw MG Rapp do this to COL Millner. So I found a 0.50 euro coin in my
pocket, and I coined COL Millner too. I'm pretty sure he was thrilled
to receive it.

After dinner, I went back to the office a few minutes early, because I
needed to print out an itinerary for my drive team for the upcoming
visit. We were eventually going to sit down and go over it. But we
had left the door open when we went to dinner, because it was a
wonderfully warm 41 degrees today! So who did I find in our area?
The nice cat that keeps walking in. So I picked him up, put him on my
lap for a few minutes. He was very content to sit there too. But
eventually he was escorted out of the building. He is certainly

Then a handful of us had to help out another office, and we had to
escort some Afghan ministers on the base here. So that involved
walking their cars from the gate to their destination, and then a
couple hours later, doing the reverse. Luckily it wasn't too cold

Not too much else, really. I'm going to go on a mission tomorrow with
the drive teams. I'll tell everyone more about it tomorrow. Good

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