Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 146

It started snowing again today, and we're expecting another 6 inches or so.  It's a really light fluffy snow tonight,  and it doesn't make good snowballs.

My day started off pretty funny.  I have to explain though.  I mentioned Charles Spera a long time ago on the blog, because he's a creepy sort of guy who is party of the Cyber Center at the Academy now.  Well, I came across this article in the Baltimore Sun that tells a story of how he was caught breaking and entering into an ex-girlfriend's house.  He'll do two weekends in jail and be on probation for 180 days.  It's just hilarious to me because it seems to validate the weird vibes we all got from him.  So that was the news of the morning!

My boss managed to irritate me twice today.  The bosses decided they'd play Action Officer for a delegation that is here now, but they're doing a poor job with the details.  I had to bump people from their scheduled dinner in the VIP room tonight, which wasn't fun.  And he also came to me asking for VIP badges, and he hadn't filled out any of the required paperwork.  So I let him know that he was doing a poor job, and that I wasn't happy.  Not that I think anything will change, but I wanted to voice my opinion.

I got a (very heavy) package from my Mom and Dad today!  Pumpkin will be quite pleased that she can continue to eat well here.  She was actually outside in the snow when I came out of the office tonight, so she got a meal.  But my folks also sent some oatmeal blueberry breads, some crackers, and some chocolate covered cracker things.  And perhaps the best of all, little snack packs of bread pudding!  I didn't even know they made such things!  So thank you very much.  Pumpkin and I will enjoy the treats!

Not too much else really, I put a whole slew of music videos on my phone, but most of them were apparently of a format my phone didn't deal with well.  So I'll look to see if there is a VLC app for Android.  That would be the simplest solution. 

Well, I should get some sleep.  I have a massage in the morning!  Good night!

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