Work was pretty average I think. We did have another visit from our new office cat. Someone else let him in this time! But he really didn't want to go, so I petted him and gave him some treats. He still wasn't interested in leaving (of course not, he got treats!), so I managed to pick him up. He just reacted like any normal pet cat. So he got cuddled a little and then taken outside. Hopefully he'll keep coming back. I think he'd make a good pet.
It's kind of funny about the cats. In the span of 2 days, there are cats howling all over the place. We're all thinking they're making their mating calls (though they don't sound that enticing). Who knows, but they are certainly loud!
Canadian Brian is beginning the journey home tomorrow, and we had pizza as a group tonight. I don't care much for him, but he did turn over possession of some nerf guns. So we spent the evening shooting each other and trying to knock bottled waters over. It's quite entertaining. Gee, I wonder what happened to all my Nerf toys from my childhood. Mom? Care to comment? (smile)

I'm actively working on two visits at the moment, the first of which is really more like 3 visits in one. I will explain later, but suffice it to say that I have my hands full. Hopefully I'll be able to keep them all straight in my head. Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Good work, sleep well, most likely kill you in the morning.
I'm pretty sure the Nerf artillery is safe in the attic - I might even know where it is!