Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 143

Today was certainly less productive than yesterday, but still not too bad.  I didn't climb up any buildings or anything, so it could only be but so exciting.

I had a nice hot chocolate, settled in, then waited to gchat with Emili.  Helo threw up his food yesterday and wasn't eating, so she took him to the vets late last night.  The hypothesis is that the aspirin was upsetting his stomach.  So we're holding off on that for a few days and hopefully he'll feel better.  Emili is a saint for humoring my request to take him in last night!

I did see something really funny and cute today.  I was in the security area, and there was a cat walking around near a door.  It was nice and sunny so I just thought it found a warm spot.  However, the door then opened only a little bit, a man looked out furtively, the cat ran inside the office, and then he shut the door.  So I'm obviously not the only one with a love of the cats!  I just haven't yet gone to those lengths.  Pretty cute though.

I also helped out one of the guys in the ISAF side of the JVB office.  We are the US Forces Afghanistan JVB, and they are International Security Assistance Force JVB.  We handle the US visits, and they generally handle all the "foreigner" visits.  But I arranged a meeting for one of the visitors and walked him over after dinner.  He was a very friendly General, so that was nice.  The language is always a bit of a barrier, but his English was decent.  Perhaps mine is not as good as it should be!

I also got a very nice letter from Grandma today.  So I got to experience the abridged version of her last week, which was nice.  I think sometimes we both just have boring days.  But that's ok, because I don't think anyone really wants excitement out here, because it would probably be the bad sort.  Well, I think I'll head to bed now.  Good night!

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