Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 155

Let me start off by telling a story about mold in the rooms. Last
Thursday, we had to have all roommates in our room because the
contractors were going to tear out the floor boards of our rooms
because they were all covered in mold. I believe I wrote that they
only took out the boards, and didn't replace anything.

Today we had to again be in the room at 0800. The contractors showed
up 10 minutes late. They didn't have any wood cut yet. They
mis-measured a couple times. This is good: the wood they installed
was wet. It had water and snow all over it. I'm sure that'll be good
for the mold problem. After they had installed 2 walls, they just
disappeared for 30 minutes. We looked all around the building, but
they were just gone! So the roommates and I chatted, got pretty
irritated, etc. They eventually showed up again and finished the last
2 walls, but it took an hour and a half. This was a ridiculously
simple job, and they wasted an hour and a half of our time just today!
We're pretty irritated, and I think we each went to the US Support
Element to complain.

I got some work done on itineraries, and I'm trying to reign in
control of the big one in March. Should be quite a story to tell when
I'm done with it.

Pam decided we were going to have a "Geek-Off" to determine who the
biggest geek was tonight. She had prepared a list of questions, and
once asked, we each wrote down our answer on a piece of paper. Of
course, I think her definition of geek was pretty different from mine,
but what can you do. She had fashion questions in there (of which I
got a couple correct), along with cars, people, sports,
computers/industry, etc. I think it ended up being pretty close
between LTC Millner and me. However, I answered the final question
correctly (for 10 points!). Who was Crispus Attucks? Not too bad! I
got a history question correct!

But that's about it for today. It started snowing pretty hard here
again tonight, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. Good night.

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