I got to have my hot chocolate, which is definitely the best way to start the day. And then I pretty much scrambled for the next few hours, trying to move, fix, patch up appointments. So it wasn't all that much fun, but I guess it wasn't too bad.
I have another trip arriving the day after this current trip ends. Grrr. I don't know why my boss seemed to think that was a good idea, but I guess my massage and day off will have to wait a bit. Unfortunately, the planning for that second trip is still in its infancy, which isn't ideal. I will hopefully have many answers waiting for me in my inbox in the morning.
I got a package today! From Beth and EJ! So that you very much for the Animal Anatomy coloring book (recommended book for school, I believe), book of "baby cats in zoos" book (adorable), Big Cat playing cards, and all the candies and hot chocolate. It was wonderful, and I can't wait to read about the cats!

Not too much else to report. I did leave some fried chicken on the ground for Pumpkin. I know it's not the most healthy thing for her, but it saves her from rummaging through the trashcan herself. I'm just saving her time, really. I don't think most of the cats here are too particular. Well, I think I'll head to bed soon. More to report tomorrow!
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