Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 96

Christmas Eve Eve.  So what happened today?  I got to stay in bed this morning, which was lovely.  I watched a little Star Trek Voyager, and then let the laptop download some updates.  I think it's doing pretty well, considering the dust.

Then I went to work.  As I was walking in, a group was leaving for lunch, so I joined them.  Nothing exciting, but I'm sure I ate food.  I usually do when I go to the dining facility.  If the food were more memorable, the days wouldn't blur together as much, which I do like.

Not much happened with my trip, and it looks like the transportation is actually arranged.  So that's good and bad.  Good that I don't get yelled at for screwing anything up, but bad because it means they're actually going to show up.  Oh well.

I got a package from Emili today!  And guess what I am wearing?  My brand new long underwear!  It's better stuff than what they issued, and this will basically allow me to wear my normal uniforms and not have to get the cold weather gear issued.  So I'm very excited about that!  It's very comfortable too, which is nice.

I recently remembered a series I watched some of a long time ago, called Earth: Final Conflict.  So on a whim, I checked the shared drive.  Sure enough, the whole series is there, so I'm downloading it now.  I don't remember how much I saw growing up, but I remember thinking it was interesting.  It sounds like the show V might actually be similar, but I'll have to watch.

I think that's it for now.  Good night!

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