And on the opposite end of the spectrum, the Brits are a delight to work with. Well, maybe that's taking it a bit far, but they're a delight to listen to on the phone. They have such funny words, and they're very polite. I close my eyes and imagine one of them saying, "My hovercraft is full of eels."
I ordered a game today, so that'll arrive in a couple weeks. It's called Skyrim, and is the successor to Oblivion. I haven't really played a game of this type, but I thought I'd give it a try. It's supposed to be pretty open ended, so I can pursue at my leisure. Plus, there are dragons, which just sounds cool.
I became good friends with XKCD's random button today. I came across this comic on war, and I thought it was funny. Not that it is applicable or anything, but I find it humorous.
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