Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 88

Today didn't start off so hot.  I got up earlier than I had wanted, but then I got to talk to Emili, which was good.   However, while I was in the shower, my roommate decided to leave and he locked the room door.  So I came back from the shower in just my towel and couldn't get back in the room.  Grrrrr.  I had to wander around for a bit to find someone with a cell phone, and then call the appropriate person.  Eventually someone came over to let me in, but I was not too happy with that start to my day.

I did some work this morning, which was productive.  I'm trying to mentally brace myself for how much this next trip is going to suck.  No one even really wants to meet with this guy, which should tell you something!  And I'm pretty much expecting to get yelled at.  So I have that going for me.

I walked over to Eggers today with a couple people so we could each take care of different errands.  I got a fleece blanket from the shop, so that's nice.  It's funny because it's ACU camouflage patterned.

But later on in the afternoon I received a package from Grandma!  She sent me some fun stuff, including some animal puppets so I can practice my bedside manner (smile).  Here's a picture just post opening:

Other than that, I had to replace my KVM switch today, so that was something to take up 10 minutes.  My day wasn't so busy, but it's an extremely busy time for some other people in the office.  I'll share details next week maybe.  Well, I think it's time for bed.  Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about getting yelled at. Among hated professions, you're at least not a dentist or IT person!
