Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 84

Wow, was today a lazy day.  I spent most of the morning in bed watching Star Trek.  I have started really burying myself in the sleeping bag, which is awesome.  It actually zips up over my shoulders and even has a hood.  So I can be extra cocoon-like.

Eventually, I came into work.  Then I was immediately asked if I would walk to Eggers.  Apparently, he had a meeting he had to go to (turned out to be a meeting to plan the Christmas Party), and we have to walk with buddies.  I stopped by my room on the way to grab my Kindle, and I read Dracula for a couple hours.  So it wasn't too bad for me either.

When I came back to the office, I met a couple people from the RC-SW JVB.  One guy was leaving soon, and the other was a British Flight Lieutenant that I'd only spoken to on the phone.  So it was nice to put faces with names and voices.  I'm not exactly sure what they were doing up here, but eh.

I got a haircut today too.  Nothing drastic and short like last time, but it'll hold for a couple weeks.  It's funny, but I wonder what all the ladies are saying as they cut our hair.  They seem to be Uzbek, and they speak Russian.  So I say "hello", "thank you", "you're welcome" in Russian, and they understand.  But they also talk to each other as they cut hair, and there's lots of giggling.  Just curious.

That's about it for tonight.  Not much happened, and it was good.

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