Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 104

Another very long day!  These 5:30am mornings are killing me!  But I successfully sent my party to the airport, and they made it to another RC.  So now they're someone else's problem for a few days.  Unfortunately, this group is like a boomerang, and they will keep coming back to me for a while.

Pumpkin got some treats today.  She was actually really happy to see me.  When I came out of our door, she immediately jumped to her feet and started following me.  I will miss her when I go.

I took a picture this morning of the mountains around us.  I don't have a very clear view of them, and you can't see them past 10am anyway because of the smog, dust, and crap in the air.  But here's a picture.

Also this morning, I saw the male black cat over by the DVQ.  He wanted to pose for a picture, so who was I to turn that down.

Tonight a handful of us went over to the Embassy to see their giant bonfire.  It was quite impressive!  Once it got going the flames were about 30 feet in the air, and it was too hot for me to stand near.  Lots of pictures were taken, and we'll have to see who had the best.  I unfortunately forgot my phone, because it was charging in my room.  Go figure.  But after the last few days, I think I'm ready for a normal night.

Happy New Years to All!

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