Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 83

Well, I finally sent my party back to the states today.  My DV was General(ret) Zinni, former Commander of USCENTCOM.  That is a seriously high position, and he was out here at the request of the current Commander USCENTCOM.  So that'll be interesting.

I actually ended up cancelling most of his appointments for him today, at his request.  I suspect feelings were hurt but he'd basically seen enough.  I don't envy them the report they have to write!

Not too much else happened.  They mostly stuck to the schedule, which is always good.  I find myself getting irritated that my life is on hold for this job.  A hard and thankless job, for which I get very little out of.  I won't get promoted any faster, I don't get a better job, nothing.  I told people tonight that this is how I imagine purgatory to be.  Except of course it doesn't exist anymore, since the Pope can declare things not to exist, and giant rodents to be fish.  But I digress.

At the end of the day, it's another day closer to the end.  Good Night.

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