Well, today I sent a group off to the states again. So that was good. I think everything went very well, but they didn't give us coins! I mean, a cash award would be fine too, but we'd settle for a coin. So I don't know what to think about that.
We have a new LCDR that showed up to work in my office. He was pretty unexpected, so who knows. He graduated from USNA in 1997, and he's a reservist now. We will see how he works out. I took him around a little bit today to turn in paperwork and whatnot.
I got a letter from my Grandmother today, which was nice to read. It certainly sounds like life is interesting/exciting at home. I do enjoy reading the letters.
I also got a package from Emili's folks today. Thank you for the snacks and letter. I do have to say, I had quite a laugh when I read the article on Jordan Foley, the current Brigade Commander at USNA. He was in all the biology and chemistry classes with me so he could go to Med school. I guess that didn't pan out, because he's going Subs. Funny how life goes.
I fell asleep in my chair today, and woke up to my LTC boss standing over me. Not a good way to wake up, mind you. But I'm getting the job done, so it's ok. I think I just need some more sleep, and not to wake up at 5 something tomorrow. So yeah.
So last night, while I was trying to troubleshoot why the network sucks so much in here, I caught my roommate streaming all of his tv and movies off the network. While it probably represents a small portion of what the infrastructure here can handle, when it's competing with Skype, it basically knocks it offline. So I scolded him and had him download his episode and play it locally. I think I'm going to disconnect him from the router and plug him directly to the wall. I don't want to deal with that, though I will ultimately because the pipes are so small here. I can't wait to have a normal connection again some day.
Not too much else happened today. Still trying to nail down a final plan for the next visit, which starts in a couple days. Fun stuff. Well, I think sleep is in order. Good night.