Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 132

Today I received a surprise package from Charlene!  Thank you very much!  I know you mailed it well before Christmas, but I think it went to the wrong base here because it didn't say ISAF on it.  But I guess someone over there knew I was here, so that was very convenient!  Thank you so much for knitting the fingerless mittens for me.  Now I can sit at my computer and type, and still have my hands stay warm.  A very cool gift!  And the hot chocolate and cat food won't go to waste, I promise.

Other than that, my day went by pretty uneventfully.  I think the itinerary for my next visit looks pretty damned good, if I do say so myself.  I had to rely on the other RC's a good bit to set up their portions, but I think we're going to meet and exceed expectations.  So that should be good.  I will only have a small portion of face-to-face time, but I'll be able to say I've met the man.

Pumpkin got a good meal today, along with lots of petting.  I'm pretty sure she thinks I belong to her.  When I go inside, she follows me, as if to say "you need to stay out here, young man, to keep petting me."  Who am I to argue?

I am very much looking forward to having some down time tomorrow morning.  Yesterday was pretty rough, because I was up so early.  But tomorrow should be ok for me.  So we'll see.  Probably some Star Trek and Skyrim time.  I'm almost done with my MPH application, so that's good.  Well, good night all.

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