Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 106

I find myself really frustrated with people at the other RC's again.  Tonight one of them wanted me to schedule fixed wing assets to fly my party around in her RC, in case there was bad weather and the helos didn't fly.  Number 1, helos fly in worse weather conditions to start with.  Number 2, she should take care of her own RC stuff.  Number 3, there is only one field we could land a C-130 at in bad weather.  All the others are VFR only!!  Sigh.

Not too much else happened today.  Pumpkin got lots of petting this morning.  She seemed extra affectionate, which was sweet.  It wasn't so horribly cold, so she probably decided it was ok to venture out early.

We had to do the Professional Military Education tonight at Eggers, and I have no idea what it was about.  They decided not to dial us in, because "we're never there."  We're not really sure what they mean by that, because we really are tortured every Monday night with this stuff.  But by the time they connected us, it was more than half over, which was fine with us.  I read some of a chapter on Animal Ethics.  It's interesting stuff, even though it's philosophy!

Well, the days continue to pass here, which is good.  I feel a bit better than yesterday, so no sneezing today.  Hopefully tomorrow is even better.  Good Night.

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