Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 135

Today was just another day. However, I'm starting to be referenced as
the "experienced guy" in the office, which is a little scary. I know
the Boss sees me as the bright guy who can get things done well, and
can still play nicely with others for the most part. Strange, now
that I think about it.

But I just put out small fires today. Adjustments here and there, but
no big obstacles. I think my visitor is having a great visit, and
hopefully tomorrow will continue that trend. I bet I'll continue my
trend of not getting coins though. We'll see.

Pumpkin got a nice dinner tonight so she'll sleep well. It's also not
so cold tonight. I'd guess it's only barely freezing at the moment,
which feels downright comfortable! And for those of you who are
keeping track, I think we're around 90 days left. So about 3 months,
maybe 3 massages, whichever your metric. Hopefully I'll be busy
enough to make the time go by quickly.

Not too much else here. Just dusty and bleak. Good night.

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