Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 110

Yay, another binary day.  Anyone learn binary since the last binary day?

Today started out more stressful than yesterday even.  Granted, I'm hearing most of this over the phone from an Air Force Major, but the General was getting pissed because they were sitting on the plane while they had to wait to be de-iced.  And he was pissed because they were 3rd in line to take off.  If they couldn't land at their destination and had to come back, he wanted do go a ground convoy to get there.  I actually had huge hulking armored vehicles lined up to take him if needed.  Luckily the pilots didn't embarrass themselves (AF guys), and they made it to their destination.  That was a relief for me, and he was someone else's problem!

I did a ton of work on other visits today.  I met face to face with a trip planner for a visit in a few weeks, and we started going through the details of the itinerary.  Our director, Col Fenton came back from her R&R leave today.  So it was good to see her.  She provides some protection for us when needed, and our deputy director is a rank lower than her and doesn't carry as much weight.  She actually wants me to come to her house when I get back to tell her daughter about colleges and options.  Kind of funny, but it sounds like her daughter won't really listen to anything that comes from "mom".  So we'll see.

I actually ate a couple meals today, which is an improvement over yesterday.  So that's good.  I'm also in the room at a more reasonable hour.  I did get a great email from a buddy today, Ed Beeson.  We were in the same squadron and we did our first deployment together, among other things.  He's doing well out in San Diego and I think we're each doing what we have to be doing for an end goal.

Well, I think I'll get some sleep soon.  Good night.

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