Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 125

Let me start with a picture I forgot to post yesterday.

The cat looked pretty peaceful, with utter disregard for the snow all around.  Sometimes I'd like to take a nap in a warm spot too.

Today was mostly the same old routine.  However, the planner for my next trip are irritating the crap out of me.  I actually kind of snapped at her tonight on the phone.  They keep changing plans, and every time they do this, I have to change the flight times for the fixed wing or helicopters.  So it's getting pretty frustrating.  And just because we can't drive around Kabul now does not translate into anything about next week!

So two more people in the office bought Skyrim today, one on XBox360 and the other for her PC.  I do have to say there is some charm in just popping in a disk, like XBox.  Steam makes it a mostly painful process for those of us with very limited network bandwidth.  Hopefully they enjoy it as much as I do!  There's already been some back-seat gaming going on here, but it wasn't coming from me.

We are gearing up to move the office spaces.  The boss got a bug up her *ss that we should all be on the same floor as her.  So we have been knocking down walls and running ethernet cables to get it ready for us.  I think we'll start moving on Wednesday, but it will be a slow process.  I will be tied up with a visit, so I might wait until after that.  I'm sure it promises to be a nightmare.

Not too much else to report.  I started working on my awards package.  Seems kind of strange to start it now, but they want them submitted at the 90 days remaining mark.  I feel like I don't have much to say yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.  Well, I just got the scrollbar on the side, so this post is too long.  Night.

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