Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 114

Today was an interesting day!  I slept in a little bit, which was nice.  I had a leisurely morning, and it included a massage.  Of course, I didn't realize until I was in the middle of it that I had forgotten my wallet.  Luckily the ladies there were understanding, and I ran back to the room really fast afterward.

Last night I came back and the network wasn't working in our room.  So today I talked to the Afghan guy who runs the networks here, and he said they just replaced a switch.  As it turns out, our room was mis-wired previously, and now it was working correctly.  So I had to plug into one of the correct ports.  But all is well, and it was a simple solution that I should have tried earlier.

I played Skyrim a great deal today.  While the details won't mean much to most people, it's quite entertaining.  I am getting sucked in, and it looks like there will be many many hours of gameplay still to come.

I also got a package today from Caroline!  Thank you very much for the card and the book "How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Cats?"  It's a cute book, and I think Helo, Ella, and Toonces will take away some life lessons from it!

That's really it for today.  I was pretty much a bum, and it was great!  I look forward to a few days of being a bum when I'm home again too!

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