Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 121

Today was a better day.  I actually started and ended my day with hot chocolate, which was great.

Nothing very important happened this morning.  I think it was the standard deal with emails from the night before, then respond, and then we have to wait for the whole cycle to begin again tomorrow.  It's not the most convenient to deal with people in the states for business.

I think we must not have received a food shipment in a while.  Today they were trying to pass off Ramen noodles as spaghetti.  Unfortunately, it still beat the other choices, so I had ramen noodles and spaghetti sauce for lunch.  Maybe I should get used to this quality food for when I'm a student again!

But I did get a great care package today from Steve Schall and the CS Department at USNA.  Thank you very much.  It had a nice card, a couple magazines, beef jerky, european pastry-chocolate creations, and hot chocolate.  Very awesome, and very much appreciated.  Thank you very much.

Which brings me to another adventure.  The hot chocolate mix calls for being mixed into milk.  I hadn't given this much thought, but milk isn't the most prevalent liquid out here.  So I went to one of the foreign shops on the compound here, and I got something that purported to be milk.  I wasn't really sure, because it was a cardboard container, and it wasn't in the fridge.  But I heated it up, mixed it up, and it tastes really good!  The last time I was in the Middle East and got a dairy product, it was a goat milk milkshake from Baskin Robbins.  So this is a step up from that.

I also saw Pumpkin this evening, and she looked very cold and hungry.  So I gave her a package of food, which she devoured.  As you can see, we have a special feeding area, under a building.  It's out of the bad weather, and people wouldn't immediately see her.  I figure it's about the safest place I can feed her.  She definitely enjoyed her Seafood Mix tonight!

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