The rest of the day was more mundane. My General came back from an RC (Regional Command), and he had a couple appointments. Nothing too taxing, which is probably good for the 70 year old at the end of a long trip. On our way to his dinner engagement, he said he'd be fine and I don't need to hang around, but then he corrected himself, because he needed me to punch in the little code to get back to his room. The code was given to him on a piece of paper, so who's wasting resources now? He's ridiculously high maintenance.
I got a letter from Grandma today, which was great to read. Thank you so much for writing! I love reading about your days. I feel like my days are sometimes hard like yours, but we both have great days every once in a while. I hope you enjoy Bermuda, because I don't think there's room at my vacation!
Anyhow, I'll finish with some pictures from the last couple days. I may even try a video, but no promises that I can embed it correctly.

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