Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 119

I woke up to more snow this morning!  I talked to Emili, which was nice, and I got to see Helo on top of the fridge!  Crazy cat, who I'm sure missed his father.

I played Skyrim for a while this morning, which was fun.  I will spare you all the details, lest I come across as a super nerd :)  But it's a fun game, with good graphics, and tons of gameplay.

Not too much else happened today.  I saw that Tim Tebow was shut down, which was cool to see.  Not that Tom Brady is my favorite quarterback, but at least he's not Tebow.  I got some work done, but for the most part I'm playing a waiting game.  I won't know whether my flights are truly arranged until about 4 days prior, which I'm not even close to yet.

I did find out that I have a visit in March.  I'll only give one clue:  I worked on his floor a couple summers ago.

But that's about it for today.  I'm over the hump, so to speak.  I'm at about 50.5% of the way done, which means it should be downhill from here.  I have 5 visits on my radar, though more may pop up in the middle.  That takes me through mid-March.  So then it's about time to wrap things up and figure out how to get home again!

1 comment:

  1. Helo (sitting on top of the fridge): "You're not my real dad!"
